The following are the qualities and action words associated with YELLOW personalities:
Area Description .
Physical Sunny, playful, creative, fun, easy going, physically active, curious, strong body awareness, sensitive, energetic, restless.
Emotional Humorous, cheerful, bright, radiant, happy, pleasant, enjoyable, spontaneous, sympathetic, addictive.
Mental Creative, intelligent, focused, quick to learn, need to be active, inquisitive, egotistic, superficial, expansive, never want to grow up.
Spiritual Mental philosophies & concepts, reflected in personal love, joy, laughter.
Motivation Give and experience joy, happiness, playfulness, creativity.
Mission/Vision Enjoy life, be creative, stay light & bright, reflect sunlight & integrate heart.
Growth Spontaneous, through commitment, focused, disciplined.
Exercise Outdoors, all fun activities, swimming, surfing.
Recharge battery Natural high through meditation & prayer, balanced physical and mental exercise, mental body is guiding antenna.
Communication Playful, light, creative, overwhelming, overflowing, may talk fast.
Interaction Physical and mental active, easy life style, no deep emotional commitments.
Relationships Companionship, independent individuals, self-centered.
Social, Friends Very social and attractive, many acquaintances, but few close friends.
Sex, Intimacy Fun and pleasure, non-commitment, sexual.
Money Necessity, security, power, earn & spend easily.
Success Level of pleasure and creativity, achieve their own goals.
Occupation Free-lance, need physical freedom and independence, enjoyment.
Career Business, marketing, design, sports, artist, computers, healers, therapists.
Yellows are the brightest, happiest and most childlike personalities in the color-spectrum. These easy going souls have a wonderful sense of humor. They love to laugh and are capable of intimately enjoying life on many different levels. Although they may have a challenge stilling all those thoughts in their mind, they realize the benefits of relaxation, the pure joy of life and living spontaneously. They are the ones reminding us not to take life too seriously and to always look on the bright side. Optimism is key for them to be in their power and it can easily be contagious around them.
Yellows enjoy all forms of entertainment and creativity, always loving to express their intelligence. They measure life by how happy and content they are and how good they feel and they enjoy a balance of both life and work.
Yellows are intelligent and radiant. They learn easily, processing information without needing to know about the deeper connections or reasons behind it. They love to work with their minds and often occupy themselves with philosophies, mental ideas and psychological concepts. They enjoy discussing all aspects of life, from politics to spirituality.
Yellows can be spontaneous and overflowing with artistic and creative ideas. However, their focus is much more on enjoying than it is on accomplishing. They create because it is fun and brings enjoyment, not because they want to achieve anything or reach any lofty goals. Yellows are kinesthetic and learn by doing.
They have an abundance of energy, which is easily recognized by their physical and mental activity. It is difficult for them to sit still for a long period of time and they have a constant need to be moving their hands. You may find them unconsciously playing with a object or making funny gestures. It is important for Yellows to stay fit. If they become frustrated or annoyed, they need to release their overflowing energies through their physical body or their alert and energetic mind.
In harmony Yellows are very creative. They love to work with their hands and enjoy writing, painting, repairing things or sculpting. They know how to channel their amazing energy through mental and physical reality with all its variations.
In balance Yellows are happy and content. They inherently know how to accept whatever is happening in their lives. Yellows are the most playful personalities in the color spectrum and they never want to grow up. As a result, they generally look younger then they actually are. They love to travel, to see the world, to relax on a wonderful beach or to have fun dancing all night long.
Yellow bodies are extremely sensitive. They are like antennas, sensing what other people feel or what vibrations are emanating in a room. Their body and mind may be overly sensitive and receptive to the volumes of information being generated by our high-tech society. As a result they have a tendency to overload themselves very quickly. They often don't understand why their body reacts so strongly to outside influences. Their built-in physical bio-system senses the stimuli and then tries to interpret what is happening. Their challenge is to recognize these so called signals or messages, integrating them in a way that will guide them in expressing themselves positively and creatively.
You will immediately know when a Yellow is happy, sad or uneasy, because they exhibit unusually strong body language. A Yellow body never lies. It always shows the truth. They are sensitive and intuitive through their physical bodies and also through their touch. Therefore, Yellows are often found in occupations such as healing or massage. They love to be around people and they enjoy helping others. They have healing hands and a healing, light attitude towards life. All these qualities make Yellows excellent doctors, therapists or practitioners of any kind.
If Yellows are not connected to their overflowing, inner energy or if they haven't learned how to channel this energy into positive creativity, they have no motivation and may lean toward various addictions. Out of power Yellows tend to be lazy and unmotivated, having no energy to live, create or enjoy life. They remain immature, constantly avoiding responsibility.
Yellow personalities may have a fear of relationships, commitments and obligations, running away from them, simply ignoring the situation. They may constantly make excuses for themselves and become lethargic, moving from one location to another. Some Yellows are late on a regular basis.
Yellows do not like pain or even the thought of having to experience it. They will do nearly anything to avoid any form of discomfort.
Yellows like to experience a physical "high" or a euphoric state of mind. If they focus on positive activities they remain energetic, joyful and creative. They receive an enlightened feeling by participating in activities such as lying on the beach, sun tanning, jogging, bicycling, creating art, writing poetry or making love. Yellows enjoy movement created by sex, sports and creativity.
Out-of-power Yellows will be drawn to negative dependencies such as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, food, sex, unrealistic philosophies or fanatical organizations. At first they will feel a sense of release. After some time, depression, lethargy, apathy and confusion will set in. To be happy, they will need to change their focus from negative addictions to positive healthy activities and thoughts. Because their bodies are so sensitive, they will notice the effects of an addiction for a long time.
Yellows have a physical and mental sense of spirituality. They see God in everything. Their challenge is to integrate their intellectual impressions of God with their heart. This will lead to their deepest spiritual experience, where they can enjoy life to its fullest. Happiness and love are signs of a living connection with their Higher Power. Yellow personalities enjoy thinking about philosophies, spiritual beliefs and concepts. They love to learn and be mentally stimulated. They desire to understand God in Its totality, but seldom commit to a specific path or belief system for long terms.
Yellow personalities are social creatures. They often have many friends and are constantly looking forward to meeting new ones. They enjoy a variety of gatherings. Yellows are welcome at any party because of their joyful, easy going and often funny attitude toward life, as well as their intellectual brilliance. They love to be in groups, whether in organized situations or simply with their friends. They are typically the center of attention and seem to be surrounded by friends all the time. However, having many people around does not necessarily mean they are close or intimate with any of them. Until they can feel totally comfortable with themselves and who they are, they will be challenged by unsettled feelings when in a group of people.
Yellows enjoy a sense of sharing and communion through their constant physical and mental activity. Many of them dislike being on their own because of their intense fear of loneliness. They may end up learning that being surrounded by friends does not indicate that this inner loneliness and emptiness will go away.
Yellows need time by themselves to find their true inner self. By doing this will they find peace, security, and the deep feeling of being home, which they crave. Only then will they have a true sense of being connected.
A Yellow person can be easily recognized by their spontaneity, humor, and need to always be active and on the run. They are good friends, communicate openly with others and love to bring people together. For them, talking is just another way of creative expression and is something to be greatly enjoyed. You will find Yellows wherever fun and enjoyment are happening.
Yellows have a need for relationships and can be sensitive and caring with their partners. They prefer mates who can laugh with them, support and take care of them, and will not challenge or take away their freedom.
Many Yellow personalities have a deep seeded fear of commitment. They want to be independent and free to enjoy everything life has to offer. As a result, many Yellows live as singles with incompatible partners or in semi-committed relationships. On one hand they want intimacy. On the other they fear that committing to one partner might diminish their options, taking away their freedom.
Yellows love to flirt and are emotionally charged by the excitement of meeting new romantic interests. For many the opposite sex is a way of connecting with life and also compensating for their own deficiencies. They need to see and understand the difference between being independent, loving and committed, and using a relationship as a substitute for their own short comings.
Yellows are very sexual. Their foreplay can be considerate, playful and sensitive. Sexuality is as much an enjoyment as it is physical relaxation and is felt as a whole body experience. Sexual sensation and orgasm create a sense of satisfaction, which cannot be compared with anything else.
Once they have experienced this feeling, which they view as a "sexual high,’” they may want more and more. They need to make sure their relationships are balanced with both sexual and emotional intimacy. Sex for the purpose of creating this high will not make them happy in the long run.
Since Yellows enjoy an active sex life, they love to be around physical Reds, Oranges and other Yellows. Violets can add tremendous vision to the creativity of Yellows. Blues are emotional and require commitment for a happy relationship. Lavenders and Whites usually enjoy being around Yellows, since both of them love to discuss spirituality and philosophy. Deep-Reds and Deep-Greens may be too intense in their approach towards life for most Yellows who prefer being in a light, playful, relationship without a commitment.
Yellows have great initiative. They are the perfect selection for jump starting new projects. Money is not a primary issue for them. They can make money easily because they are not afraid to work hard. However, their money often goes out as quickly as it comes in.
Yellow personalities are resourceful problem solvers. They have the ability to create new, practical yet innovative solutions.
They may also have difficulties in finishing projects. They are good at starting things and keeping others enthusiastic. If they decide to take action, Yellows will find inventive solutions. However, they may not want to do the work, which is needed to accomplish or finish a project.
Yellows are good team members and lead others by example. They enjoy demonstrating and showing others how things work or how things could be done. They utilize their strong qualities of motivation. Yellows are the most likely of all the different personalities to have fun in their work.
Some Yellow occupations are: athlete, comedian, musician, painter, artist, student, philosopher, psychologist, businessman, computer specialist, scientist, doctor, massage therapist, health practitioner, waiter, mechanic, cook, stewardess or travel guide.
Yellows know exactly what the Mind/Body connection means. Their challenge is to realize how emotions are interconnected with their physical and mental aspects. Yellows will be considerably healthier if they learn to listen to their heart.
Yellows need to understand that commitments in relationships can help them reach deeper levels of intimacy and self-awareness. This same understanding will bring real freedom on all levels into their lives. Their obstacles will not simply disappear just by avoidance or running away from them. They can create successful solutions by confronting all aspects of life openly and with their easy-going positive attitude.
Activities like bicycling, tennis, dancing and jogging are fun for Yellows keeping them feeling fresh and alive and in touch with their bodies.
Dynamic meditation and active disciplines like Qui-Gong or Tai Chi have positive effects because they focus the mind and connect the physical body with the universal energy flow.
To achieve harmony in their life, Yellows need to find creative and playful ways of expression. Actively expressing their physical, mental and emotional energies will allow them to live a balanced, happy and joyful life. Physical exercise, healthy playful sex, and meditation with prayer are essential. Tuning into their intuition and inner guidance will enable Yellows to go to their deepest and most fulfilling level of awareness. Integrating body, mind, heart and spirit is the key to self-empowerment.